Quality question
No matter how hard you try cheap clothes of poor quality will never look like those which cost much. Cheap garments make you look cheap as well, and there is no difference whether you choose to wear cheap gloves or shoes – everyone will notice something is wrong about you.
Invest into several good items rather than lots of cheap ones. We are not so rich to buy cheap clothes.
Garments of high quality can’t be cheap but they do serve and feel better.
Despite the all said above sometimes we just can’t resist the temptation to purchase a few cheap items. If that’s right about you follow the rule: never try to combine expensive stylish garments with their cheap counterparts.
pricy jeans will look cheap as well if you don them with a few-dollar top. As designers say, sometimes we can choose items of various costs for one outfit.
For example, never economize on shoes, lingerie, sweaters and makeup but you can opt for a bit cheaper trousers, a bit cheaper I’d like to repeat.
Choose what suits you.
Fashion tells us what to wear but this doesn’t mean we should blindly go for everything designers offer us. For example, low waist jeans which are in style at the moment don’t look good on women with shorter legs.
You should always think about your own appearance.
If something looks great on you wear it, but if you feel it isn’t yours, leave it. Every season we see plenty of styles and designs on the catwalks, and this allows us to find lots of things to look perfect on us.
We must aim, therefore, for changes to any system, whether well established or not. We need to take into account the constraints that are present that limit our drive to change. These are other people and systems already in place, the rigidity of the current system, and rules imposed within the current system that prevents new thought. This gives rise to tension. Implicit within the above statement is that existing rules must be questioned positively and new methods formed to create a truly organic culture. This can be viewed as a constructive process rather than a rebellious approach. The new rules formed should be less restrictive and more open to future change than the current ones.
Extending this principle we can state that all of the above thoughts points to a generalization of the systems where possible, as the more specific the system is the more rigid the rules will become, and chaos is limited or removed completely. Can we take a well-defined specific system and convert it to a more generalized case? We can certainly try, and store the rules of the system in isolation away from the process itself, thereby separating processes from data. Intellectually, it is more challenging for us to be able to generalize because it is hard to devise a 'one solution fits all' mind-set.
Finally, what is it that drives us to make the changes? What is the driving force? Here, we can state that the possibilities of newness and improvement are the driving force. The chicken-and-egg situation is that do we have to have a goal in order to form the process or the re-formation of any process? Or, is a goal in itself the result of the process that we define? It sounds crazy but if we are designing the process without the final objective then we are increasing the number of possible end results by not approaching the end point, as there is no defined end. In this way we would have a generalized theory but no specific end result, so to make sense of the whole thing we must in reality have broad but defined aims when seeking a new improved process.
Modern thought and life-styles revolve around achieving end results and goals, so that if we are given a target, then we are tasked with the problem of creating a process that will yield the result as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately in business today our success is measured by what we produce and not by how we produce it. A combination of what we are expected to achieve (stress), and the newness of the solution that we could potentially form, therefore, is the driving force behind change. However, if we question even that which we are expected to achieve then we are changing the order on a larger scale, as achievement of a target is also an element of a larger process.
I started keeping a fishing calendar this past year.My thinking was that I would somehow get tofish more. I was applying the business proverb of"that which gets measured gets done".Apparently this doesn't work as well on the homefront. Actually, MOST of the leadership tactics Ibring home from work become useless whenthey pass between my lot lines. Kind of aBermuda Triangle of management principles I'dsay. I'll share more on this once I fully understandthe phenomenon. In the meantime, I've learned it's best to just go with the flow most of the time andtry not to get underfoot of the wonderful women in my life.
Sometimes the vehicle we call life can drive pretty fast and we're not necessarily at the wheel.Although I love that my daughters stay busy, it does make me ponder what the heck empty nestersdo with their time. The endless stream of sleepovers, homework projects, ball games, and the like -easily displace the time that "coulda" been spent on a stream of a different sort. It's "all good"though. I am happy they are busy well-adjusted kids that basically stay out of trouble. However, itsure is nice to have some "alone time" once in awhile to slow the pace.
Friday Evening
Every once in a while though, I get a gift of time. Yesterday I found out that the softball tournamentthis weekend was somehow going to go on without the Stampede, my youngest daughter's team. Asif they didn't spend enough time together every previous weekend, they decided to do a movie daywith the whole team. Great! Have at it. Just give me my free kitchen pass and I'm outa here. It's themiddle of July. Darn hot in my part of the country, but I bet I can find a coldwater tailrace with a fewleftover stockers in it even in these dog days. Maybe four hours drive, at best, but it'd be worth it.
I mentioned it to the boss. When she said, "just go", she sort of looked at me funny. So, apparentlythe vote (or veto) is still out on this one. I am smart enough to know actions-speak-louder-than-words and did not confuse her yes with a Yes - more negotiations to resume in the morning. Hmm,it'd probably be good to leverage some other activity that she is interested in. I may have to get outthe massage table again. Worked for my last fishing trip - though my hands were too tired to cast.Oh, the sacrifices I whilst make for ye li'l trout. Hmm, maybe if she comes up with independent plansof her own for Saturday night, then I could throw the tent in the jeep and head for the mountains.
Sounds like a beer commercial doesn't it. Well, shoot, I'm just hopeless enough of a romantic tobelieve there SHOULD be moments that are beer-commercial-ish. Maybe not with the athletes andbikini girls, but at the very least something more noble than the day-to-day grind of improving thewidget making processes at work. I guess I'm searching for some adventure, something that forcesone to say, "It don't get no better'n this."